Why Train with AmoZouk?
We’re lucky in Minneapolis to have a couple of great options for where you can take zouk classes (check out all the options on the Zouk Minneapolis website). That said - here are some of the reasons you should train with the AmoZouk crew:
Our Instructors are zouk nerds.
AmoZouk was founded by four zouk super-nerds who have been dancing cumulatively for decades (read more about our instructors here). We all train for hours each week outside of class, in addition to regularly traveling to zouk festivals to train and take private lessons with professionals to both continue to improve our own dance practice and to bring back new learnings to share with our students. (You may have heard us raving about all the training we’ve done through BRICK - a multi-week dedicated zouk training hosted by some of our favorite instructors, Bruno & Raiza Galhardo).
As instructors, we are obsessed with being able to break down zouk - an admittedly complex dance that involves full body leading and following - into the most fundamental components to make it easier to learn.
Learn Technique, not patterns.
Our goal is to train good zouk dancers who are fun to dance with - that means teaching students proper zouk leading and following technique, not just combinations of moves. In every class we emphasize the “how” and the “why” behind the mechanics of a move to ensure that students can understand how to effectively lead/follow when social dancing, and not just “walk through” the movement as if it was a choreography.
Check out our Level 1 and Level 2 curriculums for an overview of the techniques covered.
More Instructors = More Instructor Time For You
We make every effort to try and have as many of our four core instructors as possible present in class (and the practica!) to allow students more opportunities to rotate with dancing with us to get more personalized feedback.
Free Weekly Practica After Class
The BEST way to become a better dancer is through practice - which is why we encourage students to stay and practice during our 45 minute (free!) practica after Zouk Foundations every Tuesday.
This not only gives you time to continue to build the muscle memory for what was worked on in class, it challenges you to recall moves/techniques from previous weeks - all a critical part of learning!
Our community is super welcoming!
All identities are welcome in our studio - our instructors and students are excited to dance with all! Any student is welcome to lead or to follow, we even students who do both (we just ask that you pick a role and stick with it for that night’s class)
We have a Beautiful *Large* Studio
We teach out of the 2800 sq ft Studio TimeOut in South Minneapolis, which can comfortably hold more than 40 dancers (!)