Class Participation Waiver & Release of Liability

IN CONSIDERATION of being allowed to participate in the zouk dance classes, socials, YOU (the “Participant”) agree with AmoZouk (Nate Enos, Mike Lerum, Lydia Engle, and Danielle Enos) ("the “Activiy Provider”). and AGREE AND ACKNOWLEDGE THE FOLLOWING:


1. YOU (the “Participant”) will be participating in the following activity: zouk dance classes and social dancing (the “Activity”) provided by AmoZouk (the “Activity Provider”).


2. Being of lawful age and in consideration of being permitted to participate in the Activity, YOU RELEASE AND OFREVER DISCHARGE the Activity Provider, its owners, directors, officers, employees, agents, assigns, legal representatives, and successors from all manner of actions, causes of action, debts, accounts, bonds, contracts, claims, and demands for or by reason of any injury to person or property, including injury resulting in the death of the Participant, which has been or may be sustained as a consequence of the Participant’s participation in the Activity, and not withstanding that such damage, loss, or injury may have been causes solely or partly by the negligence of the Activity Provider.

3. YOU (the “Participant”) ASSUME ALL RISKS OF PARTICIPATING IN ANY/ALL DANCE ACTIVITIES. This includes, but is not limited to, personal injuries that occur from participating in class or private lessons, social dancing, walking to/from the classes. You also assume any risks that may arise from negligence or carelessnes on part of the Release Parties. This includes but is not limited to any risks stemming from dangerous or defective equipment of property owned, maintained, or controlled by the released parties. You will assume any risks that Release Parties would be liable for without faulr. The risks include, but are not limied to, those caused by terrain, facilities, temperature, weather, physical or mental condition of the participants, equipemnt, lack of hydration, and actions of other participants. For the purposed of this waiver, the Released Parties include: AmoZouk, Nate Enos, Mike Lerum, Lydia Engle, Danielle Enos, Studio TimeOut and any of their affiliates, volunteers, employees, representatives, and agents, or any other related entities not explicitly mentioned.

4. The Participant understands that the Participant would not be permitted to participate in the Activity unless the Participant has electronically or physically signed this waiver.


5. The Participant acknowledges that this Waier is given with the express intention of effecting the extinguishment of certain obligations owed to the Participant by the Activity Provider, and with the intention of binding the Participant’s spouse, heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, and assigns.


6. The Participant acknowledges to the Activity Provider that the Participant does not have any physical limitations, medical ailments, or physical or mental disabilities that would limit or prevent from participating in the Activity.


7. The Participant acknowledges and agrees with the Activity Provider that: (1) the Activity Provider has given the Participant sufficient time to carefully read this Waiver, (2) the Participant fully understands the risks and claims that the Participant is waiving to participate in the Activity, (3) the Participant is freely and voluntarily executing this Waiver, and (4) the Participant is forever prevented from suing or otherwise claiming against the Activity Provider for any property loss or personal injury that the Participant may sustain while participating in or preparing for the Activity.


8. This Waiver will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota.